It’s about Coke’s new vending machines that are able to automatically change prices according to ambient temperature. How this works: the price of Coke goes up in hot weather where cold drinks are regarded more valuable to satisfy thirst than in cold days.

Coca Cola tried to maximize profit from these smart vending machines, after facing war price in supermarkets. This practice is called price discrimination, where a company is charging different prices for the same product to different consumer. In the Coke’s vending machine case, the differentiation is on how consumer values cold drinks in different weathers.

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Like automobiles, in the early phase of the airlines industry, airlines were regarded as the provider for basic transportation by means of air. Providing basic transportation was the core product/services of an airline, just as if Ford Motors was with the Model T cars. Thus, airlines industry had been heavily regulated by the IATA, left little room for differentiation.

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8P pada services marketing

5 Agustus, 2008

Umumnya kita mengenal ada 4P dalam marketing mix, yakni Product, Price, Place dan Promotion. Namun dalam pemasaran jasa atau services marketing, masih ada 4P yang lain yaitu Process, People, Physical Environment dan Productivity & Quality.

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STP dan 4P

3 Agustus, 2008

STP adalah singkatan dari Segmentation, Targeting dan Positioning sedangkan 4P adalah singkatan dari keempat unsur dalam marketing mix, yakni Product, Price, Place dan Promotion. STP dan 4P akan selalu muncul dalam marketing, apa pun konteksnya.

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Apa bedanya menjual dan memasarkan? Pengertian kedua istilah itu memang suka rancu. Apalagi perusahaan pada umumnya lebih suka memakai marketing executive ketimbang salesman untuk tenaga penjualannya. Alasannya, ‘salesman’ berkonotasi negatif di benak konsumen ketimbang ‘marketing executive’ yang kedengarannya lebih mentereng.

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